Business leaders are beginning to discover that many things that are happening within their organizations and industries cannot be understood through a simple query, so they are increasingly demanding that newly implemented software use an ML engine. For this reason, Nubeprint is the most valued MPS and consumables delivery automation software on the market. Nubeprint has an expertise in using machine learning since 2015 and has achieved savings to printer and consumables distributors in excess of 30%. Nubeprint is the only MPS tool that uses machine learning technology.
Did you know …….?
Remanufactured products have tax exemptions… and other advantages.
The trend towards the use of remanufactured products leads us towards a more sustainable world, with less tons of waste, better use of resources and the search for a neutral environmental impact. Reducing CO2 emissions must be a global objective if we are to mitigate the effects of climate change.
It is here that companies also play a predominant role, raising awareness and investing in favor of the circular economy, giving their business added value with a sustainability certificate that confirms their commitment to the sustainable management of their printing resources.
On the road to sustainability, Europe is leading the way, although there are big differences between countries. France is one of the most prominent countries in terms of defending the circular economy with “the law against waste” passed in 2020 as a key instrument in the fight against the production of waste and the reuse of resources. Italy, for its part, has promoted public funds for innovative companies that mitigate the impact of carbon emissions and defend the sustainable economy. Belgium and Luxembourg are clear precursors of circular economy while Germany, being the leader in waste management, has a clear margin for improvement in this aspect. As for Spain, although it is true that it stands out in resource efficiency, there is still a long way to go due to lack of awareness, political barriers and low public and private investment. Sweden reduced VAT from 25% to 12% for remanufactured, re-used or repaired products to reduce waste and mitigate carbon emissions. It even allows half the cost of labor to be deducted from income tax when it comes to repairs of large household appliances, always with the aim of extending the useful life of consumer goods and fighting against planned obsolescence.
Outside the incentives coming from the legislation of each country, sustainability has found an unexpected ally in the supply chain crisis. Suddenly, supplier proximity has proved key to keeping printers in business in many companies. Without going so far as autarchy, the availability of remanufactured cartridges from a nearby company has prevented many activities from having to stop production due to the inability to print critical documents such as checklists, delivery notes, etc. It is under this very circumstance that many companies have discovered the true value of extending the useful life of their equipment.
The quest for neutral impact is not only the objective of increasingly strict regulatory standards, but its calling card is beyond any doubt and elevates companies on the social ladder and in their commitment to the society around them.
Nubeprint maintains a strong commitment to sustainability and facilitates the optimized use of reused cartridges as well as their management in a circular economy.
Source: Coöperatieve Circle Economy U.A, Amsterdam / / Nubeprint
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Offering customers managed print services helps drive results within their organizations.
Managed print services (or MPS) is the monitoring and provision of printing needs by a third-party service provider. Depending on the agreement, payment to the provider may take the form of a per-subscription or per-page payment. Any agreement places each device under a monthly maintenance or management contract that includes all consumables and parts potentially needed for repair.
A good MPS provider is more than an outside vendor. They are part of the customer’s team, being available and offering customized solutions and expert advice that frees up IT departments and management. In conclusion, they make printers basically invisible until it’s time to print.
Having a third party oversee a company’s printer ecosystem makes sense beyond freeing up time (and reducing headaches), especially when you consider these statistics:
– On average, printer repair costs are three times higher than the price of a new printer.
– Printer costs are just below rent, payroll and fixed office costs.
– Two-thirds of offices do not track their printing expenses.
– Three percent of a company’s revenue is spent on paper (at an average of 10,000 pages per office employee).
All this doesn’t even take into account the huge environmental impact of poorly managed print. Managed print services significantly improve all of these statistics. In fact, effective managed print services can reduce business costs by 20-30%, as well as potentially improve document security and an office’s environmental footprint.
With Nubeprint, through an ecosystem of data collection agents, you can offer these services for all types of customers, large, medium or small, for business or home use, on automatic replenishment subscription models or on cost-per-copy contracts.
And all this, with products for distributors that guarantee independence and autonomy from manufacturers, since Nubeprint supports printers of all types and from any manufacturer.
Undoubtedly, managed print services are not a fad, but part of the commercial success of businesses. Statistics reveal that the managed print services market is growing, and is expected to reach $58 billion in revenue worldwide by 2025.
Source: IT User, Nubeprint
Did you know …….?
Monitoring technology allows a small business to sell a large product catalog as of the largest businesses without the need to invest in stock.
80% of start-up businesses close after five years. Increased transparency about the product, the quality and, in short, the “user experience” offered is partly to blame. This transparency has come hand in hand with technology that allows anyone with Internet access to learn about the reputation of a business through online reviews. Specialization and the appropriate use of technological tools allow a business to differentiate itself and stand out from the rest.
“Shoemaker, to your shoes”. Few sayings sum up so well the fact that you must know what you are doing. But let’s go a step further. Let’s assume that there is a previous market study, and that the owner of the new business has the knowledge to carry it out.
What are the keys to success?
Nowadays there is an excess of supply, and the customer is hardly loyal to brands, he does not marry anyone. Customer service, closeness and empathy will ensure that the business is on the right track. Now, in terms of positioning and promotion, are we different? Do we give any added value to our product? Let’s take a practical example: a computer consumables store. In these times of oversupply where manufacturers multiply without clear differences in their products (HP, Epson, Canon, etc.), what will be the differential aspect of the store?
One goes to buy a cartridge, and the store either has it or not. If they have it, they buy it, and we’ll see them come back. The main reason to buy it in that store is the availability; second is the proximity and third is the price. The store owner swims against the tide. We mean that availability being the fundamental aspect, if he takes a classic approach in which availability = stock, the entrepreneur will make a whole series of calculations in which, whatever he decides, he always loses.
Since having a stock has a cost, the retailer cannot have everything and limits the brands: “I sell this one very little, so I will remove it”, “this other one, which I sell a lot of, I will remove it too because I am fed up with the manufacturer selling directly to the end consumer and replacing the consumables, so I seldom sell twice to the same customer”; “this manufacturer’s consumables are very expensive, I am not interested”.
It is clear that “having everything” is not easy and some logical measures must be taken. But the above examples show us a common way of thinking that, unfortunately, leads to the ruin of the business. It is not necessary to limit the offer “just because”; it is necessary to look for alternative ways that allow us to keep it and to give the added value to the product to differentiate us from the others. The entrepreneur must be aware of the technology available in the market and use it to their advantage. They should stop seeing technology as a luxurious expense and see it as something necessary to protect their business and/or make it grow.
It is quite common to hear about the Internet of Things and monitoring. Continuing with the earlier example, what if the entrepreneur could know in advance what the printer is going to need? With this information, could one not have an infinite catalog of products without having to keep a stock? How many customers could one build customer loyalty with? And how many new customers could one then acquire?
In line with the same example, the free Nubeprint app monitors printers and identifies what is going to be needed up to 90 days in advance. Now imagine a service based on the ability of a computer consumables retailer to monitor its customers’ printers. Let’s imagine an automatic consumables replenishment service that is activated the moment the end customer installs the app on his or her cell phone. From that moment on, the customer does not have to worry about how much ink or toner their printer has, because the store takes care of replacing the cartridges at the right time. Wouldn’t the store be providing an added and differential value? What better way to build customer loyalty, combined with the proximity and closeness that the big brands do not provide!
Fuente: expansió, Nubeprint
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SME employees opt for a hybrid work model.
Two years ago, very few had taken part in video conferences or completed their working day without leaving home. Today, knowing the advantages of remote work and the tools needed to meet professional demands, most employees want to take advantage of its flexibility.
A survey of SME employees was conducted to find out what they think about the different working models and where they think it may be heading had shown that 56.7% of the employees believe that, in two years’ time, they will opt for a mixed model and that 62.5% of those surveyed say that their employers have returned to face-to-face work. When asked which work model they would prefer, 40.4% opted for a flexible model, followed by 34% would choose face-to-face work and 25.6% would prefer remote work.
The survey also showed that SMEs have worked to supply the necessary resources to ensure effective teleworking, although they still have room for improvement. 23% of the workers surveyed consider that their company has done its homework, while 36.8% propose to continue advancing this model with a more complete platform, with more powerful laptops and higher performance printing peripherals to perform the same work they did in the office.
Fuente: Cinco Días, Nubeprint
Did you know …….?
An App that links you to your customers strengthens your business.
Today’s consumables sales have become more volatile, unpredictable due to the lack of loyalty because the customer does not perceive value when buying. It is quite common for the end consumer to run out of consumables for their printer and turn to online platforms (Amazon, Mercado Libre, etc..) to buy and quickly receive the consumable that their usual store may take a long time to deliver. This situation leads to more and more customers subscribing to replacement services that directly connect to the manufacturer. This service is increasingly available to consumers, professionals and SMEs. In both cases, the traditional channel or store is being pushed out of the business.
What does the distributor do to defend itself? How does it manage to fight in this fierce competition? Well, Nubeprint provides the tool the distributor needs to build customer loyalty: the Nubeprint App.
With the Nubeprint app installed on the customer’s cell phone, the dealer can monitor the printers remotely. In addition, he can connect the app to his eCommerce portal so that any consumables needed automatically generate a purchase on the portal. It is the first and only solution in the market that combines real-time monitoring with the eCommerce shopping cart.
Its operation is neophyte-proof. The customer installs the Nubeprint app on his cell phone and activates the service with a license number provided by the retailer. From that moment on, the retailer (the distributor) receives notifications every time the customer needs a cartridge. If the retailer has chosen to connect the app to its electronic sales portal, this notification is automatically converted into a purchase on behalf of that customer.
The Nubeprint app is available for Android mobiles, iPhone, for installation on Smart TVs and even for MAC. Because it is a Google and Apple verified app, it is safe and non-invasive to use. The activation of the monitoring service offered by the retailer is, thanks to the Nubeprint app, child’s play.
Source: Nubeprint
Did you know …….?
Decision-making with the Internet of Printers (IoP) reduces costs.
The convergence of artificial intelligence with the Internet of Printers (IoP) adds value to business processes, enabling companies to reduce costs and labor.
The ability to analyze data in order to make better and faster decisions is the great transformation offered by the IoT, in general, in any sector.
This added value means having information, for example, in the aspect of consumption, having the data in real time to use more efficiently and sustainably, while contributing to recycling and the circular economy.
Source: Cinco Días, Nubeprint