The Internet revolution is gradually making everything connected. With printers, it has gone even further: for more than 4 years now, not a single printer has been manufactured that is not connected to a LAN network. However, there are still printers connected directly to the PC via USB cable: would it be possible to monitor them as well?
Connecting to a LAN network multiplies the advantages of printing equipment from multiple points of view. On the one hand, the user can enjoy printing on the same machine from multiple devices: from any PC installed on the network, or even from smartphones and tablets, all efficiently and easily.
Equipment maintenance is also improved, as it is easy for the technician to connect to the machine to make the necessary adjustments.
In addition, there are different ways of contracting the printer, which are only possible when it is connected to a LAN network. Among these services is automatic cartridge replacement, where the user does not have to worry about ink or toner because he knows that his printer is always ready to print.
For all these reasons, one would expect the gradual extinction of printers connected directly to a PC via the traditional USB cable. But reality has proved to be very stubborn and there are still many groups that, although they buy their printer with WIFI or LAN card, connect it directly to the PC via the USB port.
As with the village populated by the unyielding Gauls of our well-known Asterix, some niche markets are reluctant to connect their printer to the LAN network. No doubt they have their reasons, but this has prevented them from benefiting from the services that most print equipment distributors have added to their portfolio: services such as automatic consumables replenishment are only possible when the printers are being monitored, and this is not possible when the printer is connected via USB. But to be correct, we should say that it has not been possible until now….
Nubeprint has just announced that it has upgraded its CPM data collector agent and can now monitor USB-connected equipment. The solution uses Nubeprint’s unique Machine Learning (ML) technology to measure the consumption of the different inputs of the printing equipment.
As a result, with Nubeprint’s new CPM data collection agent, a service provider with any of Nubeprint’s MPS products can monitor USB printers (in addition to those connected by LAN), obtaining consumable levels, alerts to send when reaching the chosen threshold in days or the selected percentage level remaining, and even bill their customer for the pages printed.
Nubeprint’s MPS Zero and Enterprise-Q solutions now allow you to monitor USB-connected printers. The technology, unique to Nubeprint, automatically discovers the equipment connected to the PC and displays the evolution of the levels of the different consumables and the pages being printed. The same Nubeprint CPM data collector also allows one to identify and monitor printers in NETWORK, making installation in customers with mixed USB and LAN printer fleets very efficient.
It wasn’t all about smartphones at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2023.
Glass for phones that won’t break with a hammer, flexible screens, humanoid robots… There has been everything for everyone at this world congress: What has been the most outstanding and unique…?
For 4 days, up to 88,500 people attended this event in Barcelona (Spain) where, in addition to smartphones, new technological advances from other sectors were presented. Let’s take a look at the most striking examples:
1. Flying cab – Over the next few years, SK Telecom will develop this electric model, which will need to connect to 5G or higher networks to operate in cities, so SK will apply its experience in the telecommunications sector.
2. Hydrogen scooter – The Segway Apex H2 model was presented as a concept in 2021 and it has now become a reality at this fair.
3. Lucid Air 2023 – High-end electric vehicle that competes directly with the Mercedes-Benz EQS 2023 and the Tesla Model S, not suitable for all budgets: you will have to pay about 220,000 euros.
4. Police car – The Tesla Model 3 electric car has all the necessary equipment for law enforcement officers: facial recognition, control cameras, sensors for recognizing car passengers, etc.
5. Silencing aircraft noise – Vueling has developed a system that will prevent this annoying noise, although it will take time for this technology to reach airports.
6. Body recognition robot – It is no longer only facial but recognizes the entire body. It can be used in home surveillance tasks and to manage tickets to macro events.
7. 3D Hologram – Presented by Telefónica, this system can enter any virtual reality environment after creating our hologram in a volumetric capture space.
Finally, let’s not forget the most important curiosities in terms of smartphones, highlighting the Motorola – Lenovo roll-up phone (the concept has been presented, which shows that it is technically possible) and the Techno Chameleon smartphone concept (which allows its casing to vary between 1,600 different colors as many times as the user wants, using a technology of crystals with prisms).
Nubeprint, with a clear vocation for the future, has 7 patents, including the DCA for smartphones, which allows printers to be monitored through this device, the only one of its kind on the market. It is also committed to technological advances and invests 30% of its resources in R&D&I, currently developing BI systems and obtaining the Innovative SME certificate (Innovative SME, AENOR EA 0047) by the end of 2022
Machine Learning and Business Intelligence are complementary but different.
These two A.I. disciplines are often used in the business world, but they have significant differences in their approach and objectives. How to distinguish one from the other…?
BI focuses on the collection and analysis of business data in order to improve decision making and operational efficiency. It uses specialized techniques and tools to transform data into useful information and present it in a clear and accessible way. Its approach is more structured and systematic, relying on historical data to make predictions and decisions.
On the other hand, ML develops systems that can learn and improve themselves through the analysis of large amounts of data. Instead of relying on predefined rules and algorithms, these systems use machine learning techniques to identify patterns and trends in the data and make decisions based on them. ML is a more dynamic and flexible discipline, and can be used to solve a wide variety of problems, from predicting the price of a product to fraud detection.
What are the two main differences between BI and ML?
1.The approach – While BI focuses on collecting and analyzing historical data to improve decision making, ML is based on developing systems that can learn and improve themselves through data analysis. This means that ML is better suited for solving problems that change over time or are difficult to define precisely, while BI is better for more structured and predictable problems.
2. The amount and type of data used – BI works with structured data, i.e., data that is organized in a clear and easily accessible way (sales or inventory records, for example). ML, on the other hand, is able to handle large amounts of unstructured data (images or text, for example) and can extract valuable information from it.
In short, ML and BI are two branches of A.I. that differ in approach and type of data used, both being indispensable in any area for decision making and operational efficiency.
Nubeprint offers a managed MPS solution with dynamic algorithms and filters. In 2013, it develops the first A.I. engine for MPS and, since 2017, it has a Machine Learning (ML) developed specifically for MPS: through this machine learning, the system develops pattern recognition and the ability to learn continuously, with predictions based on Big Data, after which it makes the necessary adjustments without having been specifically programmed to do so.
Nubeprint invests 30% of its resources in R&D&I, currently developing BI systems, and obtained at the end of 2022 the Innovative SME certificate (Innovative SME, AENOR EA 0047).
Telecommuting is regulated in every corner of the planet.
The rise of remote work due to the pandemic has generated a new reality that needs to be legislated. More and more countries are seeking to bring it into line with the new office model. What are the highlights of this new regulation…?
The EU advocates that policies on telework should consider productivity and quality of work, in addition to workers’ work-life balance.
The regulation of remote work should promote the professional development of its employees, which requires some technological investment (only 38% of European SMEs will undertake it).
In Portugal they have the Green Paper on the Future of Work, which has created legislation appropriate to the new remote models and have attracted many of the digital nomads.
German companies are obliged to give the option of remote working (where possible) and the works council must be consulted before introducing remote working.
Ireland aims to bring hybrid work to all relevant sectors within a short period of time. As in Germany, companies must demonstrate the existence of an insurmountable pretext for refusing a request for remote working. In addition, they must provide the appropriate equipment to conduct the work at home.
In Russia, companies must provide the equipment and means for telecommuting, such as office chairs or the necessary software.
How is remote work regulated in Spain?
Royal Decree-Law 28/2020 sets the basis when it involves a minimum of 30% of the working day. It establishes the following types:
1. Remote work: the work activity is carried out on a regular basis at home or other locations on a full or part-time basis.
2. Telework: remote work involving the use of computer/technological systems.
Among the most salient points of teleworking we have:
1. It has to be voluntary, reversible and maintaining the same rights (you can return to the face-to-face system without penalty).
2º. The work schedule will be documented to confirm its fulfillment.
3º. The employee will be entitled to financial compensation for expenses incurred (internet access, for example).
4º. The right to digitally disconnect outside working hours (the company will limit the use of technological means during rest periods).
In short, the telework legislation extends globally, and the employee needs the means to exercise the activity from home, such as a laptop, monitor or printer. In this case, it is essential to always have consumables available so as not to be left at a standstill.
The Nubeprint App allows remote monitoring of printers once the employee connects his smartphone to the wifi and the printer is on the same network. In this way, thanks to consumable alerts, the employee will receive the new cartridge or toner before running out, avoiding disruptions in the performance of their work.
* This article was not written by ChatGPT but by Nubeprint.
The new Nubeprint app monitors any printer easily and simply.
How many apps do we use frequently? The bank app, the health insurance app, Uber, Glovo, the car charging points app, the home alarm app, and so on? There is no doubt that downloading an app on our smartphone makes our lives easier and allows us to carry out any management with just a few clicks. What is the new Nubeprint app about?
Many of us telework and have a printer at home, and all of us, without exception, have been in the unpleasant situation of running out of cartridge/toner when we needed it most. If only there was an app, since there are so many, that would guarantee delivery of the consumable before it ran out.
Yes, Nubeprint has such an app…! Thanks to its DCA for smartphone, unique in the market, the user’s printer is monitored by its printing expert, who will alert the user in time so that he never runs out of consumables and receives the correct reference, achieving the fundamental objective: that the printer never stops working.
Nubeprint app is very easy to install, does not commit the user until the consumables service is closed with the print expert and is not intrusive.
How does it work?
1º. Download Nubeprint app on your mobile (free):
Play Store:
App Store:
2º. Open the app and click on “Register”.
3º. Enter name and email (WhatsApp, optional)
4º. In the search engine, type the promotional code or the initials of the supplier.
5º. As soon as the user is in the same location as the printer (turned on and on the same network/Wifi as the cell phone), the printer will be monitored by the printing expert.
What are the advantages of the app for the user?
1ª. Print whenever you want without worrying if there is any ink left.
2ª. Know who to call if there is an incident with the printer.
3ª. Not wasting time looking for who sells the cartridge/toner you need.
Nubeprint app monitors the printers and automates the management of consumables and any necessary maintenance so that the printer always works properly. It is installed by the user on the smartphone and is compatible with any type or class of printer that has a Wi-Fi or network connection.
Nubeprint values privacy: we comply with the strictest standards on data protection and security: our app does not capture any data from the cell phone or collect information about the documents that are printed, one more reason for the user to have peace of mind and to be able to use the printer at all times without any problems.
Civil registration, census, land registry… And what about the many apps, such as the bank’s, where we are asked for everything…? We download apps every day, but we like that the registration process is neither long nor complex: How many times have we left it halfway through because of the amount of data that we are asked to fill in? Is it really not possible to make it a little easier…?
We are increasingly lazy to register anywhere: it has to be really important (because it is a mandatory legal requirement, for example) or some app that catches our attention and suits us (as long as it doesn’t complicate our lives by filling in all kinds of forms).
We live in a dynamic world and time is money, we are not here to waste it with obstacles or complicated registrations that, in addition, often ask us for data that make us fear for our privacy.
Isn’t there any simple, fast registration that doesn’t even ask for my ID card? Well, there is! We are talking about the new Nubeprint app.
Any end customer (domestic, teleworker, SME, law firm, dentist, agency, etc.) who wants to monitor their printer of any brand or type from their smartphone, can do it in less than 3 minutes, step by step:
1º. Download Nubeprint app on your mobile (free):
Play Store:
App Store:
2º. Open the app and click on “Register”.
3º. Enter only the name and email (Whatsapp, optional)
4º. In the search engine, choose the supplier that will provide the consumables sales service (enter the zip code where you live, or the promotional code provided by your printing expert).
5º. Once you are at the location of the printer (turned on), connect your smartphone to the same network/ wifi as the printer. From then on, the chosen supplier will now be able to monitor the printer.
The customer does not make any commitment until the supplier contacts them to explain their services. If an agreement is reached, the service is activated, and the supplier will receive cartridge alerts so that the monitored printer will never be down.
The interface that appears on the customer’s smartphone is very simple and intuitive: the supplier’s logo appears, they can access the supplier’s website at any time to view their products, create technical alerts and request assistance when needed.
The print expert monitors the status of the printer and will alert the customer before the cartridge/toner/drum (any of the consumables that the printer has) runs out, offering the correct reference, at a good price (even with special offer or discount), with warranty and always on time.
In addition, Nubeprint complies with the strictest standards in terms of data protection and security, certified by 7 international organizations, so the customer can be rest assured about the privacy of the data on their smartphone and those documents you print.
Finally, it only remains for us to say that Nubeprint exclusively owns the patent of the DCA integrated in the app for iOS or Android cell phones: it is the only software on the market that allows one to monitor printers via smartphone.
ChatGPT is the virtual A.I. robot that is all the rage and on everyone’s lips.
At the end of November last year, a new A.I. program appeared and was soon considered a technological milestone: ChatGPT. What does it consist of and how does it affect learning and creativity…?
“I am ChatGPT, a large-scale artificial language model trained by OpenAI. I have been taught to process natural language and respond to questions and requests on a variety of topics. I am designed to have meaningful conversations and provide useful and accurate information to users.” (This is how ChatGPT defines itself.)
So ChatGPT is a virtual robot (chatbot) that responds within seconds to a random request on any topic (“write a Charles Dickens-style story about the Thames in 400 words,” for example), writing a unique version. It is available in almost 100 languages.
Why is ChatGPT considered a breakthrough for A.I.?
A.I. programs based to date on large language models (LLM) work by storing large Data and algorithms to predict the best text. However, ChatGPT understands how language works thanks to reinforcement learning through human feedback (RLHF).
Is it a threat to learning?
Text-dependent fields, such as journalism, could be severely affected, and ChatGPT is capable of generating programming code, which also raises questions in this sector. But one of the most affected areas is education. Let’s see why:
1. Many students use the program for homework (it is already banned or limited in many countries).
2. In addition to “copy and paste”, there is a fear of the long-term impact on our brains, which have been slowly shrinking in size as a result of technological development.
3. Teachers should be aware of new technologies and integrate them into their activities, joining the current universe of students.
How will ChatGPT affect the future of human creativity and content production?
ChatGPT bases its answers on texts available on the Internet (news, books, etc.), so it can include ideas from authors without respecting intellectual property. In addition, ignorance of the sources can lead to fake news.
As algorithms are devices for generating combinations, the creative impulse could be reduced. But nothing could be further from the truth: they also generate patterns that could not even be imagined, thus enhancing our creativity.
In short, technology is a very powerful tool for expanding our knowledge, as we test countless variables in a short time. However, it can also be a threat to those who use these systems without questioning morals and ethics.
Nubeprint offers a managed MPS solution with algorithms and dynamic filters based on A.I. In 2013, it developed the first A.I. engine for MPS and, since 2017, it has a Machine Learning (ML) developed specifically for MPS: through this machine learning, the system develops pattern recognition and the ability to learn continuously, with predictions based on Big Data, after which it makes the necessary adjustments without having been specifically programmed to do so.
A.I. holds great surprises for us, such as the one in this article (don’t stop reading until the end…).
Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent decades, and has proven to be a transformative technology in many areas. From autonomous driving to healthcare, AI has shown great potential to solve complex problems and improve efficiency in a wide variety of industries. In this article, we will look at the current and future possibilities for AI.
Today, AI is already used in many areas, from manufacturing to healthcare. For example, machine learning algorithms are used in manufacturing to improve efficiency and reduce costs. In healthcare, AI is used to identify patterns in patient health data, which helps doctors make more informed decisions about treatment and disease prevention.
In the future, AI will continue to transform our lives in even more profound ways. One of the most exciting possibilities is autonomous driving. Technology and automotive companies are investing heavily in the development of autonomous vehicles that can drive safely and efficiently on our roads. This could have a major impact on road safety, as most car accidents are caused by human error.
Another interesting possibility is the automation of jobs that are currently performed by humans. For example, customer service tasks could be performed by intelligent chatbots that can answer common questions and solve simple problems. This could free up customer service employees to focus on more complex problems and increase overall business efficiency.
In addition, AI could help solve some of the biggest global challenges, such as climate change and resource scarcity. For example, machine learning algorithms can be used to optimize renewable energy production and improve the energy efficiency of buildings. They can also be used to improve water resource management and prevent deforestation.
However, there are also concerns about the potential negative impacts of AI on society. For example, some fear that the automation of jobs could lead to a large amount of unemployment. There are also concerns about privacy and data security, as AI algorithms can collect and analyze large amounts of personal information.
In conclusion, AI has the potential to transform our lives in exciting and positive ways in the coming years. From autonomous driving to healthcare, AI is already making a big difference in many areas. However, it is also important to be aware of the potential negative impacts of AI and work to mitigate them. If used responsibly and ethically, AI can be a valuable tool in solving some of the biggest challenges facing our society.
* Article written as is by ChatGPT (chat system based on the GPT-3 AI language model, developed by the company OpenAI).
Nubeprint offers a managed MPS solution with dynamic algorithms and filters. In 2013, it develops the first A.I. engine for MPS and, since 2017, it has a Machine Learning (ML) developed specifically for MPS: through this machine learning, the system develops pattern recognition and the ability to learn continuously, with predictions based on Big Data, after which it makes the necessary adjustments without having been specifically programmed to do so.
SOURCE: Nubeprint
In our daily lives, we need to know what time we set the alarm clock, what day and time we have a dentist appointment, when our child gets out of school depending on what activities he/she is doing, etc. In the business world, we need to make payments, place orders with suppliers, make predictions about sales and product requirements, but above all, we need to respond to customer needs on time. In the absence of regular, even weekly planning: Would it be good to know what day our customer needs the order/service and make a prediction in days…?
Nowadays, there is no company that does not have a management system in place to develop its activity efficiently, from placing orders with suppliers to arriving on time to the final customer.
Increasingly, A.I. systems are being used to analyze all the data available to the company in order to optimize management based on predictions, including customer profiles (age range, needs, consumption timing, etc.).
When we drive our car, the GPS tells us how to get there and how long it will take us. The vehicle’s own system tells us how many kilometers of autonomy we have left to refuel and at which location along the route we can do so.
When it comes to a printer monitoring system, time management is vital so that the customer always has the right consumable before the previous one runs out. Consumable alerts usually set a warning threshold when there is 20% of the consumable left. What if we could set the threshold in days and group the shipment of orders? This, which is no small thing, is only possible with Nubeprint. Its system gives the possibility to select in % or on days when we want the alert to be triggered, even differentiating the consumables of the same printer. By doing so, we will be safe from sudden drops in the consumables load, as happens in those brands of printers that only give sections in % (100, 75, 50, 25 and 0), where it is impossible to foresee the customer’s need.
We will also adjust delivery according to the type of customer: if it is a cost-per-copy contract, we want the consumable change to be made at the right time, avoiding waste; if we know that our customer will install the consumable as it arrives, it is better to send it a couple of days before the previous one runs out.
In addition, by marking the threshold in days, the Nubeprint system makes it possible to group the shipments of a specific customer on a single day of the week, thus optimizing delivery management, avoiding several shipments to the same customer in the same week and saving on costs.
In short, time management is paramount in any aspect of life and in any industry. The more accurate we are with our customer’s needs, the closer we will be to achieving a service of excellence, which will result in the prestige of our brand.
Unlike traditional programming, where the machine is given a set of specific instructions to perform a task, Machine Learning (ML) allows the machine to learn on its own… How is it possible to achieve this…?
ML is a branch of A.I. that deals with the study and development of algorithms and techniques that allow machines to learn and improve their skills autonomously without being specifically programmed to do so.
There are different types of ML, but in general they can be classified into two broad categories:
1. Supervised learning. This consists of providing the machine with a set of labeled data (already classified or categorized). The machine uses these to learn how to perform the classification task itself, and then is subjected to a set of unlabeled data to see how it performs.
2. Unsupervised learning is when the machine is given an unlabeled data set and left to discover patterns and relationships on its own.
A common example of ML is the automatic email spam filter. In this case, the machine learns to distinguish between unwanted emails (spam) and legitimate emails through the analysis of examples of each type of email.
Another example of ML is speech recognition as machines can learn to recognize and transcribe human speech very accurately. This is achieved by training the machine with a large set of recordings, then testing it with new voices to evaluate its accuracy.
ML is also used in health data analysis, weather prediction, social network trend analysis, and many other areas.
Although ML can be very useful, it also has some limitations. One of the main problems is the need for a large amount of labeled data of sufficient quality to train the machine, which can be costly and laborious to achieve.
Another limitation of ML is that it is sometimes difficult to understand how it arrived at a particular decision or prediction. This can be especially problematic in critical applications, such as medical diagnostics or financial analysis, where it is important to understand the decision-making process.
Despite these challenges, ML is increasingly becoming an integral part of many industries that are leveraging this machine learning to extract better quality information, increase productivity, reduce costs and get more value from their data.
Nubeprint, with 5 registered patents, offers a managed MPS solution with dynamic algorithms and filters. In 2013, it develops the first A.I. engine for MPS and, since 2017, it has a Machine Learning (ML) developed specifically for MPS: through this machine learning, the system develops pattern recognition and the ability to learn continuously, with predictions based on Big Data, after which it makes the necessary adjustments without having been specifically programmed to do so. Nubeprint, with a clear vocation for the future, is committed to technological advances and invests 30% of its resources in R&D&I, obtaining the Innovative SME certificate (Innovative SME, AENOR EA 0047) by the end of 2022.
SOURCE: Nubeprint