ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. — Nubeprint shares its customer’s experiences:
Copiadoras Innovadas, S.A. Sharp and Brother certified dealer. Based in Madrid, Copiadoras Innovadas has been providing national coverage for over 25 years, servicing customers of all business sectors (Public Administration, Financial and Industrial). Mr. Andrés Buendía, General Manager of Copiadoras Innovadas, comments on his experience with Nubeprint: “Since early 2011 our ERP has been fully integrated with Nubeprint’s Yield Management Solution. We have automated the purchase and supply process of consumables, from providers to us and from us to our customers. Since that moment, we have never lost a cartridge and practically eliminated toner waste. As a result, we have reduced our projects costs and our consumables needs forecast is fully accurate. We also have improved our stock turnover and now our pay per page proposals has become much more competitive. With this, our customer’s satisfaction level has greatly improved due to the new level of service that we can now provide by utilizing this technology”. (
About Nubeprint
Nubeprint is the leader in incorporating Artificial Intelligence to the management of output devices. Nubeprint´s adoption of Yield and Lean management methodologies allows MPS players to provide service in a remote, proactive and automatic way, with the highest accuracy level in this Market. This accuracy leads to having a very tight control of the supplies process of when and what supplies and parts will be needed and for what device. This “control” results in an immediate positive impact on the profitability of the MPS provider. The ROI of moving to Nubeprint is achieved as quickly as the deployment is made, boosting the profit of existing MPS businesses. (