Two years ago, very few had taken part in video conferences or completed their working day without leaving home. Today, knowing the advantages of remote work and the tools needed to meet professional demands, most employees want to take advantage of its flexibility.
A survey of SME employees was conducted to find out what they think about the different working models and where they think it may be heading had shown that 56.7% of the employees believe that, in two years’ time, they will opt for a mixed model and that 62.5% of those surveyed say that their employers have returned to face-to-face work. When asked which work model they would prefer, 40.4% opted for a flexible model, followed by 34% would choose face-to-face work and 25.6% would prefer remote work.
The survey also showed that SMEs have worked to supply the necessary resources to ensure effective teleworking, although they still have room for improvement. 23% of the workers surveyed consider that their company has done its homework, while 36.8% propose to continue advancing this model with a more complete platform, with more powerful laptops and higher performance printing peripherals to perform the same work they did in the office.
Fuente: Cinco Días, Nubeprint